Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh snap!

From the top down:
Two new kitties. One is called Kitty Cat Bear and the other one has no name yet.
Drawing of my Rab.
Drawing of my Pinguino. I think it looks pretty good.
Picture of an altar patrio. First place.
Another picture of an altar patrio. Firey torch.
Pregnant secretary. She is uber cute.
Students giving a dramatizacion on literacy.
Some Primero Basico kids. The girl looks like Maggie but with brown hair. Swear.
Not very descriptive but I have to go grocery shopping. Cereal. Eggs. Oil.

1 comment:

Screamingintopillow said...

So.....how is KCR?? !!!!!!!!!!!tell me! oh ps how are you?